What People Are Saying
As an unconventional and independent woman, I've said "yes" to the road less traveled. Master healers have guided me and I've tended to that which has been given, experienced, observed, and dreamed. The calling has been brutal at times but has not stopped me from being a servant to our people. The land, the stars, the moon and sun, weather, animals and plants, mountains, lakes, forests, and deserts are the
heart of this specialized work. One might hear of a shaman living on the mountain, way out in the wild. That's me! Find me there, or here on this website. Return clients and giving voice to your experience helps me help others! Thank you all for your love and support.
~ Deanna
Living Transitions Testimonials
“I want to thank you for your kind and generous help with my dad’s funerary rites. The mirror you sent and support you offered were invaluable and I will always remember your kindness. The rites are complete and he has returned to his ancestors — which fills me with gratitude and tears of joy.”
~ AB
You have now helped me and my family twice with your powerful funerary ceremonies. You are a gift to our people. Because of your devotion to your spiritual path, you have been able to receive these ancient healing rituals and to be initiated by authentic shamans and lineage holders. As a result, your work is powerful, and the blessings that issue from it are immense. During both funerary rite ceremonies your integrity, careful attention and great compassionate heart were such wonderful gifts. The difference that the funerary rites made was palpable in both cases. Not only helping our loved ones make a swifter transition to the ancestral realms … but also helping us grieve, understand more clearly, be there for each other … and honor their lives more fully. Your work and offerings are truly rare and truly precious. Thank you for your courage and for all that you do."
~AP, Florida
“It’s been a whole month… and yet I feel very joyful in my continuing grief to know his soul found its way home with your amazing help!”
~ KB, Michigan
“Thank you so very much for your powerful beautiful work, your many sacrifices on this path and the immense gift you are to me…and to our people. I see you, I celebrate you and I am so grateful!”
~ AP, Florida
“We thank and honor you for your help bringing forth the Young Women’s Initiation. With incredible skillfulness and amazing heart you guided and attended to our young women, holding them safe in sacred ritual as they transitioned, in their uniqueness and beauty, into womanhood. In so doing you have given the entire community profound gifts. These transformed young women not only give us all hope for the future but your work with them inspires us all to reach deeper within ourselves for the grace and the heart to give as selflessly and as joyfully as you have shown us how.” ~ SC
I just finished watching your interview online with Gaia Myths and you came across so inviting and knowledgeable. I knew this from me being with you, but now I also see how you share your WHOLE self with everyone. This is how you heal — the parts in others re-align in your presence. Full Circle.
Thank you for being a model of generosity. ~ LB
As we witness the world of humanity change before
our very eyes, our lives are in question.
What do we change? How do we change?
As a call to action, tend to living through ceremony and ritual.
We become our experience.
About One's Healing Journey
“Absolutely! I would love a healing on Sunday. Your help with clearing my ears was profound. Can’t wait to see you again!”
~ BU, Colorado
“Words will never be enough to express my love and gratitude for you in my life. I am a better, healthier person today because of you. I have a long way to go still and I look forward to moving forward with you by my side, guiding me, teaching me, loving me.”
~ JC, Colorado
Deanna, your healing practice has become so much deeper and more profound over the 20 years that we have worked together. Thank you for what you do."
~ JT, Texas
“Thank you so much for your deep presence here. I feel you were very helpful and greatly appreciated by all.”
~ WB, Arizona
“Thank you for your journey to the center of the universe for all of us…I was touched by your account of what you are doing—I feel this profound shift in awareness and I am so grateful to have my task of building community through my work. I am so glad I know you and have had a healing journey with you…this art was made after you opened my heart or helped me do so with your healing work. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.”
~ CL, Colorado
“I’ve had a seismic shift in my thinking since I met you.”
~ HG, Colorado
“Thank you so much for your love and support. The arrows are beautiful! The fire feels exquisitely strong and powerful. I am so greatly touched by your medicine.”
~ CF
Thanks again for helping me find my true essence, and helping me transition into the land of wisdom. And, also helping my wife getting past her traumas. You are making a difference.
~ UL, Colorado

In my work and experience here this week, a favorite quote keeps coming to mind:
'And the day came, when the risk to remain
tight in the bud was more painful than the
risk it took to blossom.'"
~ AM
“I want to thank you for the incredible experience that I had with you on your land, by your fire and in your healing presence. It was magical for me. I owe you a debt of gratitude for your work and I want to thank you for that.”
~ H, Colorado
“Thank you so much for my healing session yesterday. I don’t know what I would do without you! It is amazing how the divine always shows up to bring healing. Love to you.”
~ NT, Colorado
“Thank you for everything you do for me—for all your contributions to our community. My life has taken some lovely and heart opening turns because of your presence in it. I simply cannot thank you enough.”
~ SE
On Animal Totems
“The journey of a human life is an arduous one at times. Healing, learning, growing - never ending and sometimes lonely... Through the Grace of Divine, so much help is available! The gifts offered by our animal spirit companions bring strength and wisdom, so much support. To discover and connect with them is a great gift and worthy effort! We are not alone. Much gratitude for Deanna's facilitation of this process.”
~ AM, Arizona